
Join us in Boston for Experimental Biology 2015!

Written by Bioss Antibodies | Mar 29, 2015 9:05:00 AM

So, it's the last day of EB 2015! We are having fun and are full of laughs. This photo montage here shows perfectly the mood of the day, and the show. Science is serious, but we like to add a bit of laughter to the mix from time to time. 


Thank you all again for attending and visiting Bioss. We hope to work with you soon and certainly look forward to talking with you again.

Keep smiling! ~ The Bioss Team


We won’t claim IgGy is as cute as Boston’s ducklings (after all, we are a bit biased). However, he is certainly one reason why you should visit us at Experiemental Biology this year! Stop by and be sure to get your own IgGy. If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous get a group of friends together, just like these four here and take a few photos at our photo prop station. Here's to a fantastic third day! ~ The Bioss Team


Wow. Today was fantastic! Our camera was going non-stop and IgGy was clearly well-loved. It's always especially nice when we get such positive response from a great group of people right in our own backyard! As you can see, IgGy put on his best "I'm cute" face and all of you just kept coming to see us.

But really, it wasn't all about the plush. . . you all had some great questions and some really intersting work being pursued. We were happy to be a part of that conversation. Those types of discussion really make conferences like this worth it. Thank you for stopping by!

~ The Bioss Team