
Join us at AAI 2014 in Pittsburgh!

Written by Bioss Antibodies | May 3, 2014 10:18:00 AM

It's hard to believe we are already done with AAI 2014! This is our first show that we have returned to since starting at conferences last year with AAI 2013. So, we have a special place in our heart for AAI. This conference did not disappoint. Pittsburgh is a beautiful city built on the strength and steel of a people that match their character. The visitors we met are of the same mold, passionate, determined and dedicated scientists in their own respective disciplines. We continue to grow and learn from each and every one of you and thank you all for the support and well wishes!

We hope to see you all soon and work with each other in the near future! Here are a few choice photos as IgGy got some time to view Pittsburgh one more before leaving. Thank you Pens', you've been a fantastic host!

So, conferences are a lot of work, however, sometimes...sometimes they can be a ton of fun! Proof positive of that is this great crew of visitors that came to see us. If that doesn't say happy scientist then I don't know what does! This is why we do what we love!

Today was another great day at AAI, as you can see. We had many visitors and a lot of you asking some great questions that will help us when working with you in the future. Here's to another great day and one more to go!

Well, we've landed, set up our booth and gone straight away into talking with all of you. Pittsburgh is one cool town loaded with lots of history, character and friendly faces. Many of those belong to the hundreds of you we saw today, both new and as returning visitors. We took a lot of photos with you and handed out a whole bunch of IgGy's while discussing our line of antibodies. It's been a great day!

We did manage to take IgGy out briefly for a break. He really likes the old steel rail bridge. We'll see you all again tomorrow!